for UNICEF Ukraine
With the onset of power supply disruptions, the number of fires began to increase due to the improper or careless use of generators, gas burners, and other devices. According to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 868 cases of carbon monoxide poisoning were recorded from November to December 2022. It was necessary to address the issue before it turned into a real disaster.
Convey the rules of safe behavior at home during power outages in the fastest and most accessible way possible.
Increase awareness of the potential hazards of household appliances and instill the habit of checking if everything is being done correctly when using them.
Adult population (men, women, 18+)
School-age children
Since we needed to quickly inform virtually all residents of Ukraine, we decided to utilize the maximum number of tools in the campaign: outdoor advertising, TV and radio spots, SMM, PR, online advertising, and collaborations with influencers. At the same time, the communication had to be simple and understandable to everyone.
Оскільки нам потрібно було проінформувати фактично всіх мешканців України швидко, ми вирішили задіяти в кампанії максимальну кількість інструментів: зовнішня реклама, ТБ і радіоролики, SMM, PR, інтернет-реклама, колаборації з лідерами думок. При цьому комунікація мала бути простою й зрозумілою кожному.
The idea was based on the phrase "catch yourself by the hand." It's when you're about to do something, but then at the last moment, you have doubts and stop. Similarly, in our communication, we showed everyday situations where a device was about to be used incorrectly, and at the last moment, we "caught the hand" with the voice of a stern State Emergency Service worker.
The devices became the heroes of the communication and the main elements of the visual style. Along with short messages on bright panels, they conveyed the main rules of safe behavior.
Billboards and city lights with safety rules were placed on the streets of cities in regions with the worst statistics for household fires and carbon monoxide poisoning.
We also created posters with advice from the State Emergency Service about all devices. These can be downloaded from the UNICEF Ukraine website and posted in residential entrances.
As part of the campaign, we created 6 spots that were adapted for TV, digital platforms, and outdoor screens. In the plots, we hear the internal monologue of a person who has already started using a device incorrectly or is about to. At the last moment, a State Emergency Service worker (or rather, their voice) appears, saving the situation and explaining the rule of safe behavior.
In social media, we communicated in several directions: safety rules, cases of accidents due to improper handling of devices, and interactive activities for better information retention. Additionally, we engaged influencers from various fields to share safety rules with their audiences. It was important for us that they talked about devices they personally use and did so in their own style.
We aimed to communicate with children in a language that is easy and understandable for them. And what can make learning more interesting than a game? This led us to the idea of creating a brochure with interactive tasks for young school-aged children. Through it, children can act as inspectors, first identifying device misuse themselves and then supervising their parents.
We involved child psychologist Svitlana Roiz in the creation of the brochure. It was printed by UNICEF Ukraine and distributed throughout all corners of Ukraine. Parents and teachers can also download it to study the rules together with the children.
We published the newspaper “Burning News of Ukraine,” entirely dedicated to the fire situation. This one-time publication includes stories that occurred due to improper handling of heating devices, recommendations from the State Emergency Service, and advice on how to adapt household life during power outages.
The newspaper was printed and distributed by State Emergency Service employees among the population.
The number of fires due to violations of fire safety rules in the arrangement and operation of electrical installations.
The number of fires due to violations of fire safety rules in the arrangement and operation of stoves and heat-generating units and installations.