The most sincere DobroRun race

In 2020 Asters Law Firm celebrated its 25th anniversary. The team wanted to celebrate the anniversary and help others by organizing a charity race. The funds raised were transferred to the Tabletochki charity foundation, which helps children with cancer and their families fight cancer.
When we organized the race for the first time in 2020, human and financial resources were focused on overcoming the consequences of COVID-19. There was also potential skepticism about a charity race organized by a large law firm.
In September 2021, the second DobroRun took place. We faced new challenges. How to raise 1.5 times more charitable contributions with a smaller budget and more competition and make DobroRun a sustainable brand?
We organized the most heartwarming race in the country, in which people could participate from anywhere in the world and run with their favorite toy even on the couch.
In 2021, we focused on attracting corporate participants. This strengthened the cooperation of the Tabletochki Foundation with corporate donors.

Asters lawyers who were preparing for the race together with their favorite toys became the actors of the promotional video. Ukrainian opinion leaders also joined the promotional campaign, telling their followers about the race.

In 2020, we set up fan zones in two popular parks in Kyiv to help participants feel the atmosphere of joy, kindness, and involvement in a common cause.

In 2021, in addition to Kyiv, thanks to the support of our partners, DobroRun was also held in Odesa and Kherson.

Despite the intense competition in the 2021 running season, we exceeded our fundraising goals by 46%, raising UAH 2.2 million in charitable contributions.
2020 YEAR
individual participants
+3 million
Gold at SabreAwards in the Word of Mouth category
individual participants
mentions in social media
2021 YEAR
individual participants
2.2 million
UAH of charitable contributions
9.5 million
corporate team
posts in social networks