Training program  
«Leaders for Health»

«Leaders for Health» is a training program of the World Bank project funded by the Swiss Embassy for healthcare managers.

With the launch of the healthcare reform in Ukraine in 2018, healthcare managers were given more authority to manage their healthcare facilities. However, not all managers were ready for this.

Together with the Lviv Business School of UCU, our task is to develop and implement a training program for healthcare managers. To develop their healthcare management skills and explain the key aspects of healthcare reform. And to teach them strategic planning and change management in their institutions.


Together with the Lviv Business School, we developed a training program for 130 managers from 22 regions of Ukraine - chief doctors and deputy chiefs of state healthcare institutions, heads of regional healthcare departments.

It was a course of 5 training modules, each of which lasted for 3 days, where we supervised the healthcare sector. We conducted 4 training sessions on communications for the participants and organized mentoring support for the projects that the participants developed during the course.

Finally, we organized a final conference for the program participants.

We managed to
We have created a community of healthcare change-makers, healthcare reform drivers who share their experience and implement changes on the ground.
We strengthened the key competencies of chief physicians of state hospitals and caused a change in the worldview of a “manager”.
Сформували спільноту в сфері охорони здоров’я.
We strengthened changes on the ground by providing mentoring support to program participants.