When we organized the event for the first time in 2019, our team developed a new approach to DobroCampus and took over the organization of the event for 1600 people. We completely updated the event's identity, developed a script and organized technical support for the entire event.
The speakers of the event were the top management of the Dobrobut network, as well as guest speaker Yanina Sokolova with a motivational story of a patient.


Коли ми організовували подію вперше, у 2019 році, наша команда розробила новий підхід до «ДоброCampus» та взяла на себе організацію заходу на 1600 людей. Ми повністю оновили айдентику заходу, розробили сценарій та організували технічний супровід всієї події.
Спікерами події виступили топ-менеджмент мережі «Добробут», а також запрошена спікерка Яніна Соколова з мотиваційною історією пацієнтки.

To strengthen the team spirit of our employees and unite them, in 2019 we launched the Good Team of the Year award, which provides certificates for professional training to teams of medical professionals from different specializations or departments who have worked best as a team to help patients.

n 2020, we managed to successfully organize DobroCampus online and, despite the physical distance, keep the participants engaged. We created a whole live show, which was filmed in a huge digital cube stage with the Dobrobut identity. The event was hosted by Nikita Dobrynin, a well-known Ukrainian presenter, and Dobrobut employees took the stage with him to share their sincere stories, emotions and achievements of this difficult 2020. All other employees of the network, the audience of the event, joined the broadcast from their smartphones, laptops, or gathered in small teams at their departments to celebrate this day together in an online and offline format.
By the way, in 2020, we again awarded a cool DobroTeam (this has already become a tradition since 2019). We also made emotional videos about them with incredible stories of treatment and recovery.